By Rev. Irene Monroe | Mar 7
France has just enshrined abortion rights in its Constitution. What's wrong with the U.S.?
By Rev. Irene Monroe | Feb 22
Every Black History Month, there is always a tribute to the Black Church and its gospel music.
By Judah Leblang | Nov 16
I'm sitting in a writing class, trying to concentrate on my writing assignment when the text pops up from my mother's care manager on my phone...
By Rev. Irene Monroe | Mar 9
President Biden had a cancerous lesion successfully removed from his chest last month. At 80, questions continue about his fitness to serve a second term.
By Rev. Irene Monroe | Feb 9
Last Month Pope Francis told the Associated Press during an exclusive interview, "Being homosexual isn't a crime," sending global shockwaves again.
By Rev. Irene Monroe | Dec 1
Dec. 1 is World AIDS Day!
By Rev. Irene Monroe | Nov 17
In the pantheon of slain Americans who have further civil rights gains of a marginalized group, Rita Hester, an African American transgender woman, is among them.
By Rev. Irene Monroe | Mar 23
How I wear my hair is my business. Ironically, the Commonwealth decided it is now legal for me to do so.
By Judah Leblang | Feb 9
During the pandemic, many folks have taken up new hobbies, finding ways to fill their time during lockdown, quarantine, social isolation.
By Rev. Irene Monroe | Feb 9
This year for International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, I joined the Congregation Beth Israel of Merrimack Valley's book discussion "People Love Dead Jews" by Dara Horn, exploring why antisemitism continues.