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Saturday May 16, 2015

Spring Meeting
On Tuesday, May 12, 2015, South End Forum will hold its Spring Meeting in the
Basement Meeting Room, Cathedral of the Holy Cross, 1400 Washington Street (entrance on Union Park Street, brick gated entrance between the rear of the church and the rectory).


6:00 PM: Introductions/Announcements
-Introduction of new Neighborhood Association representatives to the Forum.
-Individual neighborhood association announcements of upcoming events, invitations, fund-raisers, special interest notices.
-Summer hiatus with dates for next 3 Forum meetings.

6:05 PM: South End Public Safety Profile & Update
-Key public safety issues, announcements, and brief Q&A: Sgt. Lucas Taxter, CSO, BPD with D4 Captain Paul Ivens.
-Acknowledgement to the command staff and officers of D4 of their exemplary professional conduct, restraint, and measured response during sometimes difficult and challenging times for urban police departments nationwide.

6:20 PM: Public Works Update
-Announcements and notices.
-Postponement of Forum sponsored pilot test of "Collapsible Containers" for on street trash containerization to Fall or Spring of next year.
-Street Sweeping Program: Are sufficient resources assigned to specific neighborhoods (hokeys, leaf blowers, machines, etc.), any trouble spots, and NA suggestions to improve program effectiveness.
-City Council Public Hearing on Pilot Program to eliminate towing and raise fine from $40 to $90. Vote on SE Forum position to be represented at public hearing on Friday, May 15.

6:30 PM: Forum Issues and Initiatives:
-South End Forum sponsored Facebook pages are up and active: "South End Forum" and "South End Community Board"
-Progress Report from Forum Task Force on South End Parking. Request for NA Parking Inventory
-Update on South End Forum and ADCO discussions on Forum participation in the work of ADCO. Also report on final vote tally for all downtown neighborhoods on formal request to ban use of space savers in the entire downtown geography.
-Update on Forum public meeting on Olympics plans with senior representatives of Boston 2024.
-Upcoming Meeting With ISD Commissioner Christopher to discuss Forum Initiative on not granting Saturday/Sunday and Holiday Building Permits in SE neighborhood without exigent circumstances.
-Need for introductory meetings with Boston Water and Sewer Commission policy representatives and Mayor's Office to advance Forum's initiative to change the existing BW&SC on sewer line maintenance equity regardless of whether the shared line is located in a public or private alley.

7:00 PM: A Conversation with Gina Fiandaca, Commissioner of Transportation, City of Boston: Commissioner Fiandaca has worked in the Transportation Department since 1990 and among other achievements has helped implement the city's Web-based system for paying parking tickets, and the ParkBoston app, which allows users to pay parking meters from their smartphones.
-Introductory comments, departmental priorities, department contacts for specific issues being worked by the Forum and individual neighborhood associations. Discussion of the Forum's Task Force on Parking and how to create a mutually supportive collaboration.

7:30 PM: A Conversation with Chris Cook, Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, City of Boston: Commissioner Cook served as Interim Commissioner of the Parks Department, and previously as director of the Mayor's Office of Arts, Tourism & Special Events. His management portfolio includes 331 parks, playgrounds, burial grounds, two golf courses and assorted squares and urban wilds across the neighborhoods.
-Introductory comments describing the key priorities of the department with a description of specific South End focused initiatives.
-Discussion of critical issues of importance to Southenders in the maintenance and improvement of our parks and recreation spaces including ownership of "orphaned" spaces, capital budget process and contacts, and balanced public-private partnerships.

8:00 PM: Brief Introductory Comments from State Representative Aaron Michlewitz
-Introduction to Forum with description of key priorities and areas of special interest and legislative focus.


8:15 PM: Adjourn