
Ask Dog Lady

Wednesday Jan 24, 2018

Dear Dog Lady,

The dog was around before the kids. Now my kids are 1 and 3. The dog will not play with them. She just runs away and growls. She will gladly play with adults. Why not the kids?


Dear Wally,

The baby and toddler are dog rivals-not supreme leaders worthy of high status, respect and admiration. The dog eyes the kids warily and doesn't quite understand why they're not covered with fur and eating out of a dish on the floor.

To ease the dog into play with the kids, you should get the ball rolling (literally). Bring out a plaything-a tennis ball is good-and start a game with everybody involved. You and the three-year-old can take turns throwing the ball and commanding the dog to fetch. The one-year-old can watch from the sidelines and laugh. When the game ends, allow the three-year-old, with your supervision, to feed the dog a high-level treat (freeze-dried liver or chicken) as a reward for playing nice. Repeat this routine again and again-and again. Always make sure you're supervising.

Dear Dog Lady,

I frequently travel with my eight-year-old bichon frise, Charlie. I have found many rest stops on the interstates with outdoor places to walk dogs, but I also see signs that do not allow dogs in the indoor areas where the restrooms are. I am okay with leaving Charlie alone in the car for a few minutes when the weather is mild in the spring and late winter. I would never consider it in the summer when the car heats up quickly! Do you have any suggestions?


Dear Darlene,

Summer seems so far away. Yet, we should always keep up the conversation about not leaving dogs in cars on hot or cold days. Actually, you really shouldn't leave your dog in a car unsupervised. And you should never tie up your dog outside unsupervised in a strange place. In dire straits along the highway, Dog Lady would probably ask a benign looking person walking with a dog in the outdoor rest area to hold darling's leash for a sec while she ran like lightning to the WC. For the most part, with the exception of Hitler and thugs who train dogs to fight, dog people are good people.

You have been traveling with Charlie for many years. You must have worked out your own routine. Dog Lady invites readers to share about this. Do you leave your dogs tied up or in the car while you run to do an errand?

Dear Dog Lady,

Please advise if there is some sort of ramp available for older dogs. Or can we easily build something? Our Airedale is 12 and can't get those creaky legs going on the steps up to the landing in the garage.


Dear Gloria,

Build it and your venerable Airedale will come. Ramps covered with carpet for aged paws to grip are easy to construct and a blessing for elders. Until your dog gets the hang of how it works, line the ramp with freeze-dried liver or boiled chicken chunks as motivation to use the conveyance.

When Dog Lady's dog Shorty became quite elderly, she bought him two steps from a dog catalogue to so he could climb into the bed. Despite the treat motivation, sweetie pie resisted all entreaties to ascend this stairway to heaven. He wanted to be picked up and placed on the bed, which eventually is what happened.
