
Ask Dog Lady

Thursday Dec 14, 2017

Dear Dog Lady,

I have an acquaintance I see from time to time. Whenever we bump into one another, she launches right into the latest medical trials of "Louie." For the longest time, I had no clue who Louie was. I thought he was her husband because she kept talking of "elderly Louie's' liver problems." Finally, when I ran into her a few weeks ago, she told me about Louie's doctor finding a nasal passage tumor and an age-related heart murmur. She finally referred to Louie's doctor as a "vet" so I figured out Louie is her dog. Why must people talk about their dogs like people?


Dear Harley,

Even if Louie was her husband and not her dog, she would not make any distinction. There are unfiltered people who launch into personal conversation as if the listener knows all the players intimately.

For her, dogs are people. And she obviously treats Louie with all the care and concern of a human relation. Nothing wrong with it except if she treats Louie's medical problems and ignores a human family member's health concerns. That's true crazy.

By the way, her scrupulous veterinarian is pretty amazing to conduct checkups that can reveal nasal passage tumors and age-related heart murmurs in an elderly dog. Dog Lady is not sure she or her dog could endure this kind of rigorous medical detection.

Dear Dog Lady,

Like a previous questioner, I too wonder what all the fuss is about. Come on people, they're just dogs, right? I would never think of my dog Yorik as a family member, I would never allow the dog to hog the bed at the expense of my husband. I would never buy my dog clothes or expensive food. Get a grip people!


Dear Carla,

Certainly our dogs don't understand Christmas. They don't care to be fussed over, dressed in clothes, cosseted in the bed, and fed organic foods. People, not dogs, make these choices. Despite your stern rebuke, those of us who love dogs forge on. Happily. Merrily.

Dear Dog Lady,

'Tis the season and seems like a good time to ask: What's the best lesson you've learned from a dog?


Dear Rob,

My two dear dogs-one dearly departed, one very much alive-have taught Dog Lady to treat each day as if it's the best day, the First of Always. This is an excellent lesson when making New Year's resolutions.
